Extension of Admissions for Afam, Preparatory, and FREP Courses – Academic Year 2024-2025

Published On: 24 Maggio 2024

The Director has extended the deadlines for applying to the Admission Competitions for the 1st and 2nd level FREP, Preparatory, and AFAM courses for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

The registration process is conducted online through the Esse3 portal of the Conservatory. You can find more information on this page.

Distance Learning

If you are an out-of-region student, a working student, or a student enrolled in a high school or another university or conservatory, you can take advantage of options for distance learning. Specifically, you can attend

  • 80% of theoretical educational activities (corresponding to the attendance requirement);
  • Up to 25% of theoretical/practical activities (in addition to 55% in-person to reach the 80% attendance requirement).

Moreover, for in-person lessons, we offer the organization of consecutive days of intensive study at our Ribera campus. Several student groups have already successfully experienced this form of attendance.

Ribera is a town of about 17,000 inhabitants, located approximately 90 minutes by car/bus from the airports of Palermo and Trapani. The town has various accommodation facilities (hotels, B&Bs, guesthouses) for short stays.

Why Study at the Toscanini Conservatory

The “Arturo Toscanini” Music Conservatory in Ribera is an Italian excellence with 32 years of history (founded in 1991). It stands out for the quality of its educational offerings, the volume and level of its artistic productions, and its renovated structure with soundproof classrooms equipped with new instruments.

In the last 5 years, the Toscanini Conservatory has seen an increase in AFAM enrollments of over 80% (almost doubling). The name of the Conservatory is known in Italy and abroad thanks to the presence of renowned teachers and international productions and co-productions.

It is the first conservatory to fully utilize the Esse3 IT system for teaching and was among the first AFAM institutions to join the Cineca inter-university consortium.

As of January 1, 2023, the Arturo Toscanini Higher Institute of Musical Studies has become a State Music Conservatory. The process of state recognition took several years and represents a starting point for an organization that aims to excel in Italy and abroad.

Info and Contacts

Conservatorio di Musica di Stato “Arturo Toscanini” di Ribera

corso Umberto I n. 359 – 92016 Ribera (AG) Italy

Tel / Whatsapp +39-0925-61280

eMail: segreteria@istitutotoscanini.it

pec: istitutotoscanini@pec.it 

Director’s extension decree