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Jazz Singing School – COMJ/12

First Level Academic Diploma in Jazz Singing (Bachelor’s Degree)
Training Objectives.
At the end of the studies related to the First Level Academic Diploma in Jazz Singing, students must have acquired the knowledge of the techniques and
the specific skills that allow them to concretely realize their artistic idea.
To reach these goals, as well as to get the ability to interact within mixed musical groups, students will master the most representative repertoire – including ensemble repertoire – and the related performance practices; the aural perceptive and memorisation skills as well as the acquisition of specific and cross-sectional knowledge pertaining to the various compositional, analytical, and structural aspects of music; emotional and postural control techniques; thorough knowledge of stylistic, historical, and general aesthetic aspects related to one’s specific field of study. Furthermore, with reference to the specificity of the individual courses, the student must possess adequate skills related to the field of improvisation. It is also an educational objective of the course to acquire skills in music information technology as well as those related to a second community language
Access qualifications
High School Diploma or other equivalent qualification obtained in a non-Italian school and recognized.
Entrance Examination
The first test aims to verify the candidate’s vocal skills and musical maturity, the second the theoretical knowledge and basic musical culture.
1) Performance of 2 pieces taken from the list below, one of which is chosen by the candidate, one chosen by the commission (with accompaniment
bass/double bass, drums and any other instruments or using musical bases on digital support).
- In a sentimental mood
- Now’s the time
- Take the a train
- Bye bye black bird
- Moanin
- All of me
- There is no greater love
- There will never be another you
- What is this thing called love
- I’ve got rhythm
2) Performance of a standard (1 Ballad) chosen by the candidate for G instrument
3) Performance of a piece at first sight. For harmonic instruments: with melody and theme songs to harmonize. For monodic instruments: reading of the melody and possible interpretation of the theme songs
4) Assessment of technical skills (scales, arpeggios, etc.)
1) The candidate must demonstrate mastery in the use of notation codes, in the knowledge of the fundamental elements of music theory and in the exercise of the fundamental skills related to listening and rhythmic and sung reading.
2) The candidate must be able to recognize intervals (within the octave), major and minor scales, modal scales, chords (triads and quadriads in 3) Assessment through oral interview of the basic musical skills of Elements of History of Jazz music.
Notes: The Commission has the right, for the purposes of evaluation, to select a part of the programme submitted and to listen again and/or to interrupt the implementation.
Aspirants already in possession of the relevant licenses obtained at the Institutions of Higher Musical Education of
referred to in Law 508/99.
Diploma Accademico di Secondo Livello di Canto Jazz (Laurea biennale)
Training Objectives.
After completing the degree programme, graduates of Second Level in Jazz Singing will developed: An artistic personality and a high professional level that allows them to realize and express their own artistic concepts;
To reach these goals, as well as to get the ability to interact within mixed musical groups, students will master the most representative repertoire – including ensemble repertoire and piano accompaniment – and the related performance practices; the aural perceptive and memorisation skills as well as the acquisition of specific and cross-sectional knowledge pertaining to the various compositional, analytical, and structural aspects of music; emotional and postural control techniques; thorough knowledge of stylistic, historical, and general aesthetic aspects related to one’s specific field of study. Furthermore, with reference to the specificity of the individual courses, the student must possess adequate skills related to the field of improvisation. It is also an educational objective of the course to acquire skills in music information technology as well as those related to a second community language.
Access qualifications
Bachelor’s degree or a first-level academic degree or a Conservatory degree together with an upper secondary school diploma, or other qualification obtained abroad and recognized as suitable. It is also necessary that the preparation acquired is consistent and adequate for the second level course.
Candidates who expect to obtain the required qualifications by the February-March session of the academic year of reference can apply for conditional admission.
Entrance Examination
1) Practical test (the Commission has the right to listen to all or part of the program presented): performance, preferably from memory, of a
solo concert program of the candidate’s choice lasting about 30 minutes, of difficulty consistent with or greater than that presented for the 1st level Academic Diploma exam, including compositions from different historical periods or styles. The candidate can include in the aforementioned program a composition for ensemble/ensemble music groups.
2) Reading test: extemporaneous performance of a piece assigned by the Commission (maximum time allowed before the performance: 2 times the
duration of the piece).
3) Oral test: the interview will focus on the training course already undertaken and on any professional orientations that have already emerged during the last years of
training in particular with reference to the interests of the specific address.
Evaluation of the candidate’s resume.